This is a Guest Post by Adeel of LimitlessBids
In this article, we will be comparing the difference between regular online
auctions, and penny auctions. We will also find out whether or not it is
always a good decision to use one service or the other and lastly, we’re
going to figure out how we can earn a profit from using both penny
auctions and traditional auctions.
I know that the majority of the people that will be reading this
already understand how penny auctions work, let me start off with a
little review in case we have some new users on the site. When bidding
in a penny auction service, you are going to have to pay for the bids
beforehand. The price per bid ranges from between.50 to $1.00 a bid.
Unlike traditional auctions, every single time a bid is placed, the timer is
once again restarted to allow for another bidder to bid. Now, if you are not
the last person to bid on an item, you in essence helped pay for someone
else's merchandise, a problem that does not exist in traditional auction
houses. However, there are some companies such as that allow all users
the option of using the buy it now option for any product AND having
their bids cost count towards that amount! Check and make sure that the
buy it now price that is listed on the penny auction site you are using is
comparable to other online retailers. Sometimes penny auction companies
will try to overinflate their prices so they can turn an even larger profit when
you “Buy it now.”
Another problem that has plagued the penny auction world is that
there are groups of people, who combine their funds, and purchase very
large amounts of bids and effectively bid you off of whatever item you are
interested in winning, making it very difficult for you to win as a new user.
Some websites however do have a winner tiered limit, for example, only
1 win for any user over $500 in a week, or month, etc. This will ensure
that there is a fair playing field for everyone, and so that everyone may win
products that really are for far less than retail.
Lastly, look for a penny auction website that is not interested in reaping
huge profits, but instead look towards companies that will keep their
profit margins low. How do you do this you ask? Just see how many free
giveaways they have, free bids are good but free items are just amazing.
For example, offers you the chance the spin their wheel and
win between 1-10 bids for FREE, this can be done daily. Another website actually just gives away items, like the Samsung Galaxy
S3 they have up for this month. There is a catch however, you must
be a registered and paid member of both of these websites to reap the
dividends. marketing done quickly, and as soon as possible.
Finally, another few tips that I have for users who are interested in learning
more about Penny Auction services, or want to know about how to make it
easier to win, these are the tips I have for you. Firstly, I think that you make
sure that a site is reputable. It has SSL security when you attempt to make
a purchase, and all of your questions are responded to immediately when
you e-mail them. Next, the newer a site is, the less members there will be
available on the site to bid and for this reason, you will be able to get a ton
of products for very cheap, before everyone else finds out about the site.
Okay, so when you locate a site that is new and does not have many
users, you are going to want to bid, and bid heavy on the items on the site.
Make sure the site is Paypal verified, Verisign verified and has SSL on
the purchase page. Once you go through that checklist, check which high
price items you should be able to win, use the techniques we discussed in
earlier articles about bidding later on in an auction and then finally, when
you know you want the auction, MAKE SURE YOU WIN THE AUCTION.
There’s no way you’ll pay anywhere near retail if you follow this to the T.
Next, all that is left to do is set up your account over at,
or and resell the items that you just won. Since most penny
auction websites offer items that are brand new, this will give you the
chance to sell brand new items on ebay or amazon, for a fraction of the
price that you paid. If you follow this advice, to the T, and make sure to
be a shark, not a minnow when bidding, you will be able to make a fast
amount of money using both Penny Auctions and Traditional Auctions.
myself was able to rake in about $10,000 extra profit this year alone doing
That is all I have for you in this installment hopefully I have been
helpful in allowing you to gain more knowledge about penny auctions and
how to be successful in winning auctions to get items you want, for 90+%
off retail and then reselling them for a profit with ease!